In Shop will be available:
Character Stat Boosts
Small boost: +2 point to your character on 4 Hours
Medium boost: +4 point to your character on 12 Hours
Big boost: +5 point to your character on 24 Hours
Boosts will be sold for WAX. You can activate the boost at any time in your character's inventory
Health Boosts
Small Health Boost + 25 HP
Medium Health Boost + 50 HP
Big Health Boost + 100 HP
These boosts are needed to fast restore your Health after fight or in fight. Boosts will be sold for WAX.
Recovery from Injuries
Minor Injury first aid kit (4 Hours Injury)
Moderate Injury first aid kit (12 Hours Injury)
Critical Injury first aid kit (24 Hours Injury)
These boosts are needed to restore the character after being injured during the battle.
Boosts will be sold for WAX.
Last updated